43 research outputs found

    Manipulating flexible parts using a teleoperated system with time delay: An experiment

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    This paper reports experiments involving the handling of flexible parts (e.g. wires) when using a teleoperated system with time delay. The task is principally a peg-in-hole task involving the wrapping of a wire around two posts on the task-board. It is difficult to estimate the effects of the flexible parts; therefore, on-line teleoperation is indispensable for this class of unpredictable task. We first propose a teleoperation system based on the predictive image display, then describe an experimental teleoperation testbed with a four second transmission time delay. Finally, we report on wire handling operations that were performed to evaluate the performance of this system. Those experiments will contribute to future advanced experiments for the MITI ETS-7 mission

    Caenorhabditis elegans HIM-18/SLX-4 Interacts with SLX-1 and XPF-1 and Maintains Genomic Integrity in the Germline by Processing Recombination Intermediates

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    Homologous recombination (HR) is essential for the repair of blocked or collapsed replication forks and for the production of crossovers between homologs that promote accurate meiotic chromosome segregation. Here, we identify HIM-18, an ortholog of MUS312/Slx4, as a critical player required in vivo for processing late HR intermediates in Caenorhabditis elegans. DNA damage sensitivity and an accumulation of HR intermediates (RAD-51 foci) during premeiotic entry suggest that HIM-18 is required for HR–mediated repair at stalled replication forks. A reduction in crossover recombination frequencies—accompanied by an increase in HR intermediates during meiosis, germ cell apoptosis, unstable bivalent attachments, and subsequent chromosome nondisjunction—support a role for HIM-18 in converting HR intermediates into crossover products. Such a role is suggested by physical interaction of HIM-18 with the nucleases SLX-1 and XPF-1 and by the synthetic lethality of him-18 with him-6, the C. elegans BLM homolog. We propose that HIM-18 facilitates processing of HR intermediates resulting from replication fork collapse and programmed meiotic DSBs in the C. elegans germline

    カンキョウ コントロール ニ ヨル セイトウギョ

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    脊椎動物の性は、主に遺伝的要因により決定されるが、魚類においては、水温やpHなどの生育環境に応じて性が決定されることが知られている。しかしながら、この分子機構は未だに明らかにされていない。 XX/XY型の性決定システムを持つヒラメの遺伝的雌(XX)は、性分化時期に18℃で飼育すると雌へ、27℃で飼育すると雄へとほぼ完全に分化誘導することが可能であるため、水温依存的な性決定の分子機構を解析するための大変優れた実験動物である。我々は、XX個体を18℃で飼育するとアロマターゼ(アンドロゲンをエストロゲンに変換する酵素) mRNAの発現量が上昇するが、高水温(27℃)で飼育することによりアロマターゼmRNAの発現が抑制されて雄へと性分化する事を明らかにした。このことは、ヒラメの高水温による雄化にアロマターゼ遺伝子の転写調節が深く関与している事を示している。ここでは、まず、温度コントロールによる性統御を行う上で、キーとなる遺伝子であるアロマターゼ遺伝子の転写調節機構について紹介する。次に、高水温による雄化とコルチゾル(ストレスホルモン)との関連性に言及し、さらにこれらの機構が他の魚種でも保存されているかどうかについて議論したい

    An Unbiased Screen Identifies DEP-1 Tumor Suppressor as a Phosphatase Controlling EGFR Endocytosis

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    SummaryBackgroundThe epidermal growth factor (EGF) stimulates rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of the EGF receptor (EGFR). This event precedes signaling from both the plasma membrane and from endosomes, and it is essential for recruitment of a ubiquitin ligase, CBL, that sorts activated receptors to endosomes and degradation. Because hyperphosphorylation of EGFR is involved in oncogenic pathways, we performed an unbiased screen of small interfering RNA (siRNA) oligonucleotides targeting all human tyrosine phosphatases.ResultsWe report the identification of PTPRK and PTPRJ (density-enhanced phosphatase-1 [DEP-1]) as EGFR-targeting phosphatases. DEP-1 is a tumor suppressor that dephosphorylates and thereby stabilizes EGFR by hampering its ability to associate with the CBL-GRB2 ubiquitin ligase complex. DEP-1 silencing enhanced tyrosine phosphorylation of endosomal EGFRs and, accordingly, increased cell proliferation. In line with functional interactions, EGFR and DEP-1 form physical associations, and EGFR phosphorylates a substrate-trapping mutant of DEP-1. Interestingly, the interactions of DEP-1 and EGFR are followed by physical segregation: whereas EGFR undergoes endocytosis, DEP-1 remains confined to the cell surface.ConclusionsEGFR and DEP-1 physically interact at the cell surface and maintain bidirectional enzyme-substrate interactions, which are relevant to their respective oncogenic and tumor-suppressive functions. These observations highlight the emerging roles of vesicular trafficking in malignant processes

    Badania porównawcze charakterystyk dzianin produkowanych z włókien z recyklingu przy zastosowaniu kryterium Chauveneta, planowania eksperymentu i analizy statystycznej

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    The raw material of a fabric has a substantial influence on its functional aspect. However, the fabrics used for clothing manufacture should offer comfort, protection, ease of maintenance, durability and aesthetics. This study aims to compare the properties of knitted fabrics made of recycled polyester by employing the Chauvenet criterion, factorial design and statistical analysis to determine which raw material composition provides more functionality to the final product. Knitted fabrics (jersey fabrics with statistically equal weights) made of two types of yarns, namely 80%-polyester/20%-recycled-polyester and 50%-recycled-polyester/50%-cotton, were tested. For the finished fabrics, the following tests were performed: weight, pilling, burst pressure, elasticity and elongation, moisture absorption, and dimensional change. The response surface graphics were analysed to determine the optimum regulation value for the knitting machine to manufacture fabrics with statistically equal weights. The best results were obtained with knitted fabrics produced with 80%-polyester/20%-recycled-polyester yarns.Surowce zastosowane do produkcji dzianin mają istotne znaczenie dla ich funkcjonalności. Jednocześnie dzianiny produkowane dla celów odzieżownictwa powinny zapewniać komfort, ochronę , łatwą konserwację, trwałość i estetykę. Celem artykułu jest porównanie właściwości dzianin wykonanych z włókien poliestrowych uzyskanych z recyklingu poprzez zastosowanie kryterium Chauveneta, planowania eksperymentu i analizy statystycznej, które pozwoliłoby ocenić która z mieszanek surowcowych jest najbardziej przydatna do uzyskania końcowego produktu. Dzianiny (dzianiny lewoprawe o statystycznie jednakowej masie) wyprodukowano z dwóch typów przędzy, mianowicie 80% poliestru/20% recyklinowanego poliestru oraz 50% recyklinowanego poliestru/50% bawełny. Wykonane dzianiny analizowano badając masę powierzchniową, piling, wytrzymałość na rozrywanie, elastyczność, wydłużenie, absorpcję wilgoci i zmianę wymiarów. Uzyskane wyniki przedstawiono w postaci zależnościach graficznych. Określono optymalne nastawy maszyn dla uzyskania dzianin o statystycznie jednakowych masach powierzchniowych. Analiza wyników wykazała, że zdecydowanie lepsze dzianiny uzyskuje się z mieszanki przędz 80% poliester/20% recyklinowany poliester